paulinadispatch - News & Updates 2023-08-21T11:20:32-04:00 paulinadispatch 2023-08-21T11:20:32-04:00 2023-08-21T11:28:13-04:00 Cleaning Your Sunglass Lenses Efficiently and Effectively Michaela Brewer Maintaining clean sunglass lenses goes far beyond simply maintaining appearances; any debris such as dirt or oil build-up on them could reduce visibility and cause irreparable harm over time. At the conclusion of this guide you'll understand how to clean them efficiently while appreciating its immense advantages.

Understanding the Importance of Clean Sunglass Lenses
A clean lens provides clear vision. No matter how stylish or expensive your sunglasses may be, if their lenses become dirty and discolored over time they won't fulfill their function effectively.
When wearing sunglasses, your expectation should be for them to provide protection from the intense glare of sunlight. But when their lenses become covered in dirt or fingerprints, your vision becomes compromised; rather than enjoying an unobstructed view you find yourself straining to see clearly; like looking through fogged windows that distort reality around you.

Dirty Lenses Can Affect Vision
Dirty or smeared sunglasses significantly limit visibility in bright conditions, placing an unnecessary strain on your eyes. When these lenses fail to effectively block out UV rays and let harmful radiation through, this may result in cataracts, macular degeneration or temporary blindness developing as a result.

Dirty lenses create an artificial barrier between yourself and the world outside, diminishing color vibrancy, obscuring details, and disrupting overall visual experience. Clean sunglass lenses are essential to having optimal vision protection during driving, sports playing or simply lounging around at the beach!

Dirt and Grime Can Destroy Sunglasses
Over time, grime and dust accumulating on sunglass lenses can accumulate dust that causes scratches that obstruct vision as well as reduce longevity of sunglasses. Small particles of dirt may cause micro-abrasions on their surface that lead to visible scratches on them - an accumulation that not only limits vision but reduces their longevity too!

Additionally, living or visiting beaches near saltwater and sand particles can be particularly detrimental to sunglasses. Sand can act like sandpaper by gradually wearing down their protective coating; saltwater leaves behind sticky deposits that make removal challenging - further diminishing clarity of vision through lenses.

Note that improper cleaning methods, if performed incorrectly, can wreak havoc with your sunglasses. Utilizing harsh chemicals, coarse fabrics or improper techniques could damage them further and scratch or remove their protective coatings - therefore following manufacturer recommendations on care and maintenance to maintain maximum longevity and performance for your sunglasses is key for its long-term viability and use.

Identification of Your Sunglass Lenses
Knowing which type of sunglass lenses you own and maintaining them correctly are two keys components to their long-term care and maintenance. Different lens materials possess unique properties and require specific cleaning instructions in order to prolong their longevity; so let's explore various kinds of sunglass lenses along with how best to care for them.
Plastic Lenses

Plastic lenses are an increasingly popular choice in sunglasses due to their lightweight nature and impact resistance, made of lightweight yet impact resistant durable plastic materials which offer optimal eye protection. Unfortunately, one drawback of using plastic lenses for sunglasses can be their susceptibility to scratches - therefore using appropriate cleaning techniques should help minimize this potential hazard.

For optimal plastic lens care, a microfiber cloth or lens cleaning solution designed specifically for them should be used when cleaning them. Harsh chemicals or abrasive materials could damage their coating or cause scratches; to achieve best results when wiping lenses using circular movements to make sure all dirt and smudges have been eliminated - taking these precautions will keep them looking their best for years!

Glass lenses on the contrary, glass lenses offer greater scratch resistance compared to their plastic counterparts and can withstand daily wear and tear better. While more likely to shatter or crack upon impact than their plastic counterparts, extra care must be taken when handling and cleaning them for best results.

To properly clean glass lenses, start by rinsing them under warm water to clear away loose dirt or debris, followed by gentle use of mild soap or lens cleaning solution containing no abrasives (to ensure maximum clarity) without using excessive force or forceful materials that might scratch or harm them. Finally, after each round of cleaning is finished use microfiber cloth or lens tissue tissue drying cloth or both to restore clarity and prolong longevity in your lenses.

By adhering to these steps you can help preserve their clarity and lifespan of use!

Polarized Lenses
Polarized lenses are sunglasses specifically designed to minimize reflection from surfaces such as water, snow and glass surfaces and reduce glare from these reflective surfaces. Due to their special composition these glasses require careful handling in order to preserve their effectiveness as well as protect their polarizing layer and maintain its effectiveness over time.

Cleaning polarized lenses requires using cleaning agents specifically formulated for them. Household cleaners or harsh chemicals could potentially compromise their polarizing layer, rendering it ineffective. When selecting solutions that will safely cleanse polarized lenses, be mindful to look out for products labeled "polarized-lens safe".

To properly clean polarized lenses, start by rinsing them under warm running water to eliminate loose particles and then applying some of your cleaning solution with microfibre cloth to wipe your lenses gently avoiding excessive force or materials that might scratch or harm their polarization layer. Rinse again and dry them using clean, lint-free cloth - following these guidelines can ensure they maintain both clarity and polarization of lenses!

Keep your sunglasses stored away safely when not being worn to avoid scratches, accidental damage and exposure to harmful elements that could compromise their long-term effectiveness and ensure optimal eye protection and maintain top condition for years. By doing this, they'll remain providing optimal eye care while remaining stylish!

Gathering Cleaning Materials
In order to effectively maintain and care for your sunglasses, it's key that you use appropriate cleaning materials that won't harm the lenses or frames. Caring for them properly ensures their longevity as well as maintaining their pristine condition - let's explore more on what materials can help your shades keep looking brand new!

Microfiber Cloths
Microfiber cloths are perfect for cleaning sunglass lenses without leaving behind scratches or residue. Unlike paper towels or rougher materials such as other cloths, microfiber is soft and gentle on lenses as its microfibril fibers effectively trap and lift away particles that accumulate on lenses leaving your lenses crystal clear! However, making sure the microfibre cloth you are using remains clean to avoid spreading dirt onto lenses while cleaning is underway.

With a microfiber cloth, it is best to gently wipe lenses in a circular motion to ensure all areas of the lens are thoroughly cleansed. Furthermore, these reusing cloths make for an eco-friendly option, and should be washed regularly to eliminate accumulated dirt or oils which might compromise their effectiveness as cleaners.

Lens Cleaning Solutions
When purchasing high-end sunglasses, investing in lens cleaning solutions may be worthwhile. These specially-formulated solutions have been crafted to efficiently clean lenses without damaging their surfaces; typically featuring agents which target dirt but remain gentle enough on lenses themselves for regular cleaning sessions.

When applying lens cleaning solution, it's vital that you follow the manufacturer's directions precisely. In general, apply some to a microfiber cloth before wiping gently across lenses - spraying directly can lead to excess liquid seeping into frames and potentially cause irreparable damage.
DIY Cleaning Solutions mes For an economical cleaning solution, homemade cleaner made of distilled water and dish soap may provide an economical option to protect the lenses of sunglasses without harming their structure or coatings. Simply mix together, and quickly eliminate dirt and oil build-up on lenses in a few steps! This DIY solution makes life simpler while leaving sunglasses looking their best!
Create your own cleaning solution by mixing together some drops of mild dish soap with distilled water (not tap), as tap may contain minerals which could leave streaks or residue behind on lenses. After creating this cleaning solution, pour a small amount onto a clean microfiber cloth and wipe lenses gently using circular motion. Rinse off lenses in clean water then dry with another microfiber cloth afterward.
Note that while DIY cleaning solutions may be effective, their overuse could damage lens coatings or frames over time. Therefore, for best results use commercial lens cleaning solutions on an ongoing basis and save any DIY solutions for occasional use only.
Use proper cleaning materials and techniques to maintain a beautiful pair of sunglasses for years of optimal visibility when you wear them. Clean regularly if they come into contact with dirt, sweat or any other substances to extend the longevity and style of these important eye protection measures. With proper care they will continue protecting eyes as well as adding to your style for years.
Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Sunglass Lenses
Once we've covered the basics, let's move onto an in-depth examination of how to effectively and thoroughly cleanse sunglass lenses. We will guide you step by step.
Prepping Your Sunglasses for Cleaning Prior to applying any cleaning solution, it's crucial that any loose dust or debris be cleared from your glasses first by shaking or blowing on them gently. This process should remove as much as possible before beginning with any serious cleaning attempt.
When cleaning sunglasses, it's essential that extra precautions be taken so as not to cause damage to their lenses. Sunglass lenses often feature fragile materials which may easily scratch or get dented when mishandled improperly.
One way of cleaning eyewear effectively is using a soft bristled eyewear brush specially designed for eyewear cleaning. Gently rub lenses in circular motion to dislodge any particles that might have become lodged onto their surfaces and dislodge dust and debris that has built up over time.
If you don't have a brush handy, compressed air can also work just as effectively for clearing lenses of debris. Simply hold the can at an appropriate distance from them while using short bursts to clear away dust or other obstacles from lenses.
Now That Your Sunglasses Are Clean
Now that your sunglasses have been rid of loose dust and debris, the next step should be applying cleaning solution. Here you have two choices - either using an externally manufactured lens cleaning solution, or making one yourself.
When selecting a lens cleaning solution, be sure to select one designed specifically for eyewear without harsh chemicals that could potentially wreak havoc with lenses. Simply spray evenly across both lenses.
DIY enthusiasts who prefer taking an alternative route may mix a small amount of mild dish soap in warm water to form a solution, then dip a clean microfiber cloth into this solution before wringing out excess fluid before gently rubbing in circular motions on lenses in circular fashion to evenly spread solution across them.
Note when applying any cleaning solution: it is vital not to oversaturate lenses as this could allow extra liquid into frames, causing damage or altering lens coatings.
After applying the cleaning solution evenly across your lenses, the next step should be wiping and drying them with an anti-microbial microfiber cloth designed to gently yet efficiently wipe away smudges, fingerprints, smudges and dust deposits.
When wiping lenses, always use gentle circular or zigzag motions instead of hard rubbing as this could damage them and potentially result in scratches. Begin in the center and work outward towards its edges in circular or zigzag shapes until reaching all points on its perimeter.
If smudges or fingerprints don't come off with gentle wiping, if necessary you can moisten a cloth slightly with water or cleaning solution and dampen with extra force as a method for removal - being wary not to apply too much liquid at once! Be cautious not to apply too much force.
After wiping the lenses with water-free cleansing solution, take an unwet section of microfiber cloth and pat gently over each lens until all moisture has been eliminated; leaving any moisture behind could result in streaks or water spots on your lenses.
Cleaning your sunglass lenses regularly using these guidelines will extend their longevity and performance while providing clear vision every time they're worn.
Proper care and maintenance of sunglasses is vital to their continued viability and optimal condition. In addition to regular cleanings, make sure they're stored away safely when not being worn and avoid placing them face down on hard surfaces when not needed.
Furthermore, when cleaning sunglasses it's essential not to use harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as this could damage their lenses and coatings. Instead, gentle cleaners with soft microfibre cloths are optimal - the latter will also extend its longevity!
By following these steps and taking necessary precautions, you can keep your sunglass lenses clear and unobstructed so you can enjoy sunbathing with improved visual clarity and protection.

Shop our Sunglasses]]> 2023-08-18T14:48:15-04:00 2023-08-21T11:26:54-04:00 paulinadispatch Sunglasses Launches Prescription Eyewear Claire Antonio
paulinadispatch Sunglasses Introduces Prescription Eyewear
Are you tired of paying exorbitant prices for prescription eyewear? Well look no further; paulinadispatch has just introduced their prescription line, and let me tell you, it is truly revolutionary. Forget those eye-watering prices charged by industry giants; paulinadispatch offers high quality glasses at fraction of their price point.

Imagine this: when walking into an eyewear store and being shocked at their prices. Feeling trapped? paulinadispatch Sunglasses can set you free. Their eyewear is affordable but of top-quality as well; providing vision without breaking your budget!

paulinadispatch makes it possible to purchase multiple pairs for less than the cost of one from big-name brands - that is the power of paulinadispatch glasses - an affordable solution that everyone can access - it's like getting multiple mansions for the price of an affordable apartment complex! Now, that is an unbeatable bargain!

Quality eyewear is of utmost importance and paulinadispatch Sunglasses recognizes this. Their glasses are produced with care and precise craftsmanship to guarantee maximum vision correction with every pair. A stringent quality control process also guarantees you receive products which not only look fantastic but provide optimal vision correction too.

Affordable doesn't have to mean compromising style! paulinadispatch Sunglasses has something fashionable for every taste; their wide array of trendy designs caters to everyone from sophisticated classic looks, bold avant-garde pieces or anything in between! Check them out - paulinadispatch has what you're searching for to complement both your vision needs as well as complement your individuality!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses stands out from their competition through their commitment to customer satisfaction. Understanding that purchasing eyewear online may be daunting, they offer a no-hassle return policy so if your purchase leaves something to be desired you can easily return or exchange it within an agreed timeframe - this way ensuring you shop with peace knowing your satisfaction is their top priority!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses believes in giving back to their communities; for each pair sold, a portion of proceeds go directly back into charitable organizations that provide eye care services for those most in need. By choosing paulinadispatch eyewear you not only get stylish eyewear at an affordable price point but are helping make an impactful contribution that has lasting positive ramifications on others lives.

Why pay exorbitant prices for eyewear when you can get quality and style at much more reasonable costs with paulinadispatch Sunglasses? Now there's no longer any need to compromise vision for budget; experience affordable eyewear as part of the revolution against overpriced glasses; your eyes and wallet will thank you!

Support Your Local Eye Doctor
Discuss the many advantages of choosing paulinadispatch Sunglasses as your prescription eyewear solution: not only can you save money and support local businesses through paulinadispatch purchasing of glasses but this decision helps both parties thrive! It truly makes for a win-win scenario!
paulinadispatch makes giving back easy: Supporting local eye doctors while looking great while seeing clearly is one way of showing our appreciation and providing us all with an opportunity for impactful eyewear shopping experiences! Give back with every pair you buy--the way a responsible shopper should!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses represent more than just another pair of eyewear
When you purchase them from paulinadispatch, you are investing in both your eye health and supporting the community around you. By supporting local eye care practices with their success and sustainability through purchasing prescription eyewear from them you are directly contributing towards its long-term viability and sustainability.

Imagine entering your eye doctor's office for your annual checkup and wearing stylish paulinadispatch Sunglasses; they would surely take pride in knowing their patients are not only taking good care of themselves, but actively supporting their practice as well! A conversation starter and way to show appreciation, wearing these shades could also spark great conversations!

By supporting your local eye doctor with paulinadispatch Sunglasses, not only are you giving yourself an excellent feel-good factor; your purchase also ensures they can keep providing outstanding care to their patients by investing in cutting edge technologies at competitive pricing, creating welcoming environments, and investing in maintaining comfortable patient experiences.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses understands the value of creating a personalized shopping experience when selecting eyewear, which is why they work closely with local eye doctors to make sure every prescription is filled accurately and that frames fit specifically according to each face shape and personal taste - it's like having both stylist and optometrist all in one!

By supporting your neighborhood eye doctor through paulinadispatch Sunglasses, you are helping shape its development. Small businesses form the backbone of any community; your purchase helps create jobs while strengthening local economies as well as strengthening residents' sense of pride and solidarity within neighborhoods.

So the next time it's time to update your prescription eyewear, remember that choosing paulinadispatch Sunglasses can be more than a mere fashion statement; they represent more than fashion - they represent supporting those who take care of your vision while giving back to your community and making an impactful statement! With paulinadispatch you can look great, see clearly, and have an influenceful effect while having fun doing good works together with us at paulinadispatch!

Have You Feelen Taken Advantage of By the Eyewear Industry
Ever felt taken advantage of by the eyewear industry? Well, if so, don't feel victimized any longer; prescription glasses prices can be downright shocking! But fear not; paulinadispatch has arrived with their unique solutions for an overpriced market!

Let's delve deeper into the world of eyewear to gain more understanding as to why prices can seem exorbitant. Unfortunately, eyewear industry monopoly allows a handful of companies to set prices without competition- resulting in sky-high costs and limited choices for customers.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses are changing the game; their belief is that everyone should have access to quality eyewear at an affordable price without compromising quality. By selling directly to consumers instead of going through traditional eyewear retailers, paulinadispatch provides stylish glasses at much more reasonable rates than you might find from them.
Imagine feeling triumphant after standing up against an oppressor and showing them you won't tolerate their unfair practices - that's exactly what paulinadispatch Eyewear is doing within the eyewear industry, challenging its status quo while pioneering new ways for everyone to access stylish frames without feeling taken advantage of.

paulinadispatch stands out in their industry by not only offering affordable prices but prioritizing quality production of eyewear at reasonable costs. Their glasses are meticulously hand-made using precise tools with great attention paid to detail to guarantee you receive something not only visually appealing, but that lasts well as well - which paulinadispatch knows is essential as many need eyewear not simply as fashion statement or functional necessity!

paulinadispatch stands behind their commitment to affordability and quality with their wide variety of styles and designs that cater to individual preferences and tastes. No matter if it is something timeless and classic or daring and trendy - paulinadispatch has you covered!

Take back control from those eyewear prices by joining paulinadispatch Sunglasses! Let your eyewear reflect your personal style without breaking the bank, join in our revolution against overpriced eyewear, and join in ensuring everyone can access stylish yet budget-conscious frames! Together we can make an impactful difference and ensure everyone can afford stylish eyewear options!
paulinadispatch makes buying prescription eyewear simple and accessible.

Gone are the days of spending hours browsing eyewear stores trying on multiple frames before draining your bank account! paulinadispatch recognizes the difficulty and financial strain associated with purchasing eyewear prescription, therefore making the buying experience simpler. Their mission is to make this experience as painless and cost effective as possible for their customers.
Imagine finding the ideal pair of glasses is as effortless as clicking a few times? At paulinadispatch, that dream becomes reality - their vast selection of stylish frames await you only a click or tap away, meaning no more endless browsing through crowded shelves and feeling overwhelmed by all your options! paulinadispatch's user-friendly website acts like having your very own personal shopper right at your fingertips to guide through this process and ensure you find glasses which suit both your style and needs perfectly!

But this doesn't end there: paulinadispatch believes everyone deserves access to quality eyewear without breaking their budget, which is why they provide glasses at a fraction of what other places charge - like having your very own budget-minded fairy godmother come through and grant your request for affordable eyewear!

Imagine this: you find a pair of glasses you absolutely adore that fits perfectly, compliment your style, and boost your self-confidence - now imagine having no need to empty out your wallet in order to purchase them; paulinadispatch makes eyewear affordable so that you can indulge your eyewear needs guilt free and without financial strain!

paulinadispatch not only prioritizes affordable glasses, they understand the significance of convenience. With their easy ordering process and simplified transaction steps, long waits and complicated transactions are no more. Simply pick your frames, enter your prescription information and let paulinadispatch handle everything else; all it takes is clicking one button!
paulinadispatch can make your eyewear shopping journey smooth and cost-effective - simply forget the days of endless searching or overpriced frames - embrace simplicity and affordability that paulinadispatch brings to the world of prescription eyewear!

Let's talk economics for a minute.  Did you know that margins on major prescription eyewear is sheer theft? The eyewear industry has taken advantage of people's need for clear vision by charging exorbitant prices for something so essential as glasses.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses are here to expose this daylight theft by offering reasonably-priced glasses at fair prices, offering consumers relief from eyewear giants' grasp and showing the world there's an alternative solution which offers better and more cost-effective eyewear choices out there.

Next time you need prescription eyewear, avoid overpriced brands by checking out paulinadispatch Sunglasses instead. They strive to make eyewear accessible and affordable for everyone and are doing so by supporting companies which prioritize people over profits. Take action against eyewear giants by supporting companies who put people before profits!

Remember, vision is a gift and should come without an exorbitant cost tag. Choose paulinadispatch Sunglasses for top-quality yet cost-friendly prescription eyewear; both your eyes and wallet will thank you. Shop RX]]> 2023-08-18T14:17:34-04:00 2023-08-18T14:22:51-04:00 East Coast Eyewear Done Right Sean Holmes Discover a combination of style and functionality with paulinadispatch Sunglasses' East Coast Eyewear Collection; it will leave an unforgettable impression!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses represent East Coast Eyewear at its finest. If you find yourself flipping through fashion magazines only to come across images of sunglasses which scream "West Coast cool", take heart: paulinadispatch Sunglasses represent East Coast eyewear done right!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses: East Coast Eyewear at its Best When it comes to sunglasses, paulinadispatch stands alone as an industry leader. Committed to quality craftsmanship and an understanding of coastal living lifestyle, their sunglasses not only protect from UV radiation while adding style but can elevate any ensemble with sophisticated flair.

Imagine wearing paulinadispatch sunglasses and instantly feeling like a celebrity while strolling through Miami or Atlantic City's vibrant boardwalk; these shades don't simply stand for fashion; they represent everything East Coast stands for!

Imagine yourself on a gloriously warm summer's day strolling along Cape Cod's sandy beaches while the refreshing ocean breeze tickles your hair, unfolding panoramic views of Atlantic Ocean beyond. Your paulinadispatch sunglasses provide protection from sun glare to fully appreciate beauty surrounding you, adding vibrant hues that complement nature as you take in each moment - each moment becoming its own work of art!

paulinadispatch sunglasses aren't limited to just beachgoers - they make for the ideal companion on any East Coast adventure, be it Central Park exploration or coffee in SoHo! Their sleek and modern designs blend in effortlessly with New York City life as you navigate its streets easily; while their polarized lenses reduce glare from reflective surfaces for clearer vision - whether that means exploring Central Park or purchasing coffee in SoHo!

Sustainability DOES matter.

paulinadispatch stands out in eyewear brands thanks to their dedication to sustainability. Each pair from this eyewear line features eco-friendly materials that not only look good but make you feel good too! When choosing paulinadispatch sunglasses you make a statement both personally and environmentally by supporting a company who shares these same values by helping protect our environment!

paulinadispatch provides eyewear styles and frames designed to meet every personal aesthetic imaginable - from timeless aviators to trendy cat-eye frames! Their expert craftsmanship shines through in each pair's delicate frames and lenses designed for comfort and clarity.

No matter where your East Coast adventure may lead you, paulinadispatch sunglasses make for the perfect accompaniment. Offering superior quality and timeless styles as well as commitments towards sustainability; paulinadispatch truly represents East Coast eyewear at its finest!

Discover the perfect blend of style and functionality with paulinadispatch Sunglasses. Explore their East Coast Eyewear collection and experience eyewear done right. Shop East Coast Eyewear]]> 2023-08-18T09:50:04-04:00 2023-08-18T12:53:13-04:00 Focused on Sunglasses that fit your face Ashley Jessen Find your ideal pair of paulinadispatch Sunglasses sunglasses that complement the shape and size of your face with paulinadispatch.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses Are Custom Fit For You Are You Tired of Unfitted Sunglasses
Do your sunglasses slip down over time or press against your temples too much? Look no further, because paulinadispatch Sunglasses has you covered! With their extensive collection of stylish yet comfortable options you won't ever have to worry about uncomfortable eyewear again!

Find Your Ideal Match with paulinadispatch Sunglasses
At paulinadispatch Sunglasses, we recognize that each person's facial structure varies significantly and strive to offer sunglasses designed specifically to accommodate various face shapes and sizes - be they round, square, oval, or heart. So we make it our mission to offer an extensive collection of shades explicitly tailored for them all! Whether it be round, square, oval, or heart shaped faces we have you covered!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses are handcrafted with great care and consideration to every detail, taking into account factors like frame width, temple length and bridge size to guarantee they fit comfortably and securely on your face. When wearing them you'll feel as if your shades were custom made specifically for you!

Not sure which sunglasses will best complement your face shape?
No problem - our handy Face Shape Guide below will help you select a pair that perfectly complements you and your facial structure!

Finding a pair of sunglasses should not be taken lightly; several factors need to be taken into consideration, with your face shape playing an integral role in which styles should fit best with you and complete your overall appearance.

If you have a round face shape, selecting sunglasses that add angles and definition can really transform its features. Square or rectangular frames work best at creating more balanced structures; square frames will elongate and slim your features further down while helping make you appear slimmer overall.

For square-shaped faces, round or oval frames will help soften features by adding curves that will soften sharp lines of your features and produce a more harmonious overall appearance. Any frames with sharp angles might accentuate sharp features further and cause unwelcome results.

Oval face shapes can take pride in having one of the most versatile features to complement their frame: Oval features can wear almost any style or shape of sunglasses with ease! Experiment with different shapes and styles until you find one that best matches your personal taste and aesthetic.

For best results when choosing sunglasses to complement a heart-shaped face, find frames which have wider top and narrower bottom sections such as an aviator or cat-eye style to draw away attention from your forehead and create a balanced appearance. This may help bring attention away from any particular features on your forehead while creating an overall more balanced appearance.

After carefully considering your face shape and individual features, it's also crucial to carefully consider the size and fit of sunglasses. Frame width should match up to face width while temple length should rest comfortably on your ears; additionally, nose bridge size must also be taken into account to make sure the shades sit securely without falling down the nose bridge.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses understands finding the ideal pair can be challenging; therefore our team of specialists are here to assist. From classic aviator styles to trendy oversized frames, our wide variety of frames is sure to meet all of your individual needs and tastes.

So why settle for sunglasses that do not suit or flatter your facial structure?
With paulinadispatch Sunglasses, you can find sunglasses tailored exclusively to you - our selection features styles tailored perfectly for every face shape! Browse today and discover your ideal shades.
Finding your ideal pair of sunglasses may feel like an impossible feat; with so many styles to select, the process can quickly become daunting. Don't despair though - our comprehensive Face Shape Guide below is here to make things easy for you and will show which sunglasses will flatter your features for effortless style!

Round Face: For those with round facial features, choosing frames with square or rectangular frames could create an overall sense of balance and add definition. By opting for sharper angles on these angular styles, sharper angles could give the appearance of having longer or structured features in your facial structure; larger frames also create depth within an outfit and give greater visual interest overall.

Square Facse: If you have a square face shape, selecting frames with soft curves such as oval or rounded shapes could help soften its sharp angles for a more balanced and harmonious appearance. Furthermore, adding thin temples or embellishments on upper corners may draw more focus upward - further improving facial symmetry.

Oval Face: With such an oval facial structure, you have an abundance of opportunities for exploring various styles of sunglasses. Your balanced proportions enable you to pull off different frames effortlessly - whether that means classic aviators or trendy cat-eye frames! Whatever suits you best is all up for experimentation!

Heart-Shaped Face: If you have a heart-shaped face, sunglasses with wider frames may help balance out both your forehead and narrow chin. Cat-eye or aviator styles are especially flattering as they highlight lovely cheekbones and add elegance. By selecting frames which widen out at the bottom instead of narrowing toward your nose bridge, a more balanced and proportionate appearance can be created; additionally, frames with delicate details or embellishments on their temples may draw the eye away from your forehead while adding some glamour and draw the eye away from both features if necessary.

Keep in mind that these guidelines are just generalized guidelines to get you started, with the end goal of finding your favorite style and feeling confident with it. Fashion is all about self-expression and individualism - don't be shy to experiment and play around with various sunglasses styles to see which suits you best! Whether your preference lies with classic, retro or bold and trendy frames; your perfect pair will not only protect your eyes but become part of your signature style as well!

Simple Returns and Exchanges
At paulinadispatch Sunglasses, our aim is for your purchase to meet with complete satisfaction. Should something go amiss after receiving it from us, our hassle-free returns & exchange policy offers easy returns & exchanges; simply reach out to our friendly customer service team who'll assist in this process.

At paulinadispatch Sunglasses, we understand the importance of finding the ideal pair of sunglasses is paramount to finding comfort for our eyes - which is why our goal is to ensure an easy return and exchange process. Every customer deserves sunglasses that not only protect their vision but also reflect their unique style and individual personality.

As soon as you contact our customer service team, expect a prompt and helpful response. Our dedicated staff has been trained to address any concerns related to your purchase - whether that means something different in terms of size, color or altogether; they're all here so that you have sunglasses that make you feel beautiful and confident.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses strives to make sure that shopping experience with them is worry-free, understanding that sometimes things don't always go according to plan - that's okay, we are here for any issues or needs that might arise! With our return/exchange policy we aim to give peace of mind by covering any concerns which arise quickly or have any complications that require immediate resolution.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses offer more than just eyewear
When you purchase paulinadispatchs you join a community who share an appreciation of style and adventure. At paulinadispatch we know sunglasses can be more than an accessory; they're an expression of self-expression - that's why our mission is to deliver only top quality sunglasses which both protect eyesight while simultaneously complement your overall style.
No worries; our customer service team has your needs taken care of! Reach out and allow them to help find you an amazing pair of sunglasses to feel like an A-List star. Your satisfaction is of upmost importance to us; let them make sure it happens with paulinadispatch Sunglasses!
At paulinadispatch Sunglasses, quality is our number-one goal. That is why we stand behind every product with an unconditional lifetime warranty that covers any material or craftsmanship defects in materials or manufacturing defects that damage or break your sunglasses - simply return them and we will repair or replace them at no cost to you!
At paulinadispatch Sunglasses, we understand accidents do happen and sunglasses may become damaged or broken in various ways. That is why our Lifetime Warranty gives you peace of mind knowing your investment is protected - be it scratches on the lens or cracked frames. Don't worry: paulinadispatch has you covered.
Our team of expert technicians takes great pride in offering only the highest level of craftsmanship when repairing sunglasses. Using cutting-edge equipment and premium materials, they guarantee their repair to be perfect! Trust in them as we will treat it with the utmost care.
With our Lifetime Warranty on paulinadispatch Sunglasses, you can take comfort knowing they will outlast everyday wear and tear for many years of enjoyment. At paulinadispatch we believe in quality over quantity when it comes to products - that's why they're built to stand the test of time! With us you get more value out of every investment with sunglasses designed to withstand everyday life wear-and-tear, giving your investment long term enjoyment!
But our commitment to quality doesn't end there: We take great pride in the rigorous quality control processes employed at our facility to guarantee each pair of sunglasses leaves us meeting the high standards we set ourselves. From receiving raw materials until final inspection before shipping, every aspect of production and shipping are scrutinized in detail for superior craftsmanship and excellence - guaranteeing you receive products with exceptional value for your dollar!
Alongside our lifetime warranty and hassle-free returns and exchanges policy, we also offer an easy returns and exchanges process if for any reason you're not entirely happy with your purchase. Simply reach out to our customer service team - they are more than willing to assist in finding you your ideal pair. Finding new eyewear should not be stressful! So let us make that a reality.
At Sunglass Hut, comfort is of equal importance as style when it comes to sunglasses. That's why we dedicate hours designing frames that perfectly suit each face shape - no more marks left behind on your nose, or glasses slipping off! At our sunglasses workshops in China we pride ourselves in crafting sunglasses designed with care that offer a secure yet comfortable fit, meaning no more uncomfortable or loose fitting sunglasses that slip down over your cheek! We guarantee this! Our sunglasses come with precision craftsmanship for maximum comfort all day without feeling pressure or strain when worn! Say farewell to any that leave marks or slip down cheek! Our artisans create precision when crafting frames so as to provide comfort throughout each wearer experience a secure yet secure feel without feeling discomfort - say goodby to any that leave marks! Say good bye! - No longer bothersome sunglasses which leave marks or slip off mid face! Say no more loose fitting sunglasses leaving marks or slip off mid face! Say farewell those uncomfortable sunglasses which leave marks or slip down onto face! Say no more of those with marks or slip down facial features - say farewell those that leave marks or slip down face! Say farewell those annoying frames that leave marks or slip down face during wear without discomfort - let our designers ensure our sunglasses crafted precisely so as you wear all day without discomfort from those which leave marks or slip down face! Say farewell any discomfort caused!

paulinadispatch Sunglasses stands by their commitment to finding you sunglasses that perfectly suit every face shape, as well as our hassle-free returns and exchanges policy, hassle-free returns/exchanges process, lifetime warranty coverage, and hassle-free exchange/return services - you simply cannot go wrong when shopping paulinadispatch. Say goodbye to uncomfortable frames today by discovering your perfect pair from paulinadispatch! Step out in style today.

Shop our Styles]]> 2023-03-30T10:38:20-04:00 2023-03-30T10:38:20-04:00 Tips & Tricks to surf travel coming from the east coast Michaela Brewer Spring is officially here which means the weekend warriors, sunscreen soaked tourists and everyone in between will be flocking to new and fun destinations in the masses- myself included.  I am a sucker for a budget friendly adventure and can’t resist the temptation of a cheap airline ticket, bus pass, or the opportunity to carpool for a quick road trip. Spontaneous travel is my passion and somewhat of an artform at this point. Here is my list of top tips, tricks and essentials to make any trip a stress-free and enjoyable adventure. 

paulinadispatch Travel Lifestyle
  1. Plan “ahead”: Research your destination and create a “detailed” itinerary. 
    1. “Planning ahead” and “spontaneous trip” sound like an oxymoron but trust me, you can find a ton of helpful information with a quick 5 minute google search. “Lonely Planet” is an awesome resource for this kind of research.  “Detailed itinerary” should be interpreted loosely here. I tend to pick out one or two things I want to see or do (depending on my timeline) and leave enough room in the itinerary to take advantage of fun opportunities that present themselves at the last minute. This can help save you time and money and ensure you don’t miss any important attractions. 
  2. Pack Smart: Only bring the essential and try to pack light. 
    1. This is something I have been able to nearly perfect over the years.  No matter the destination or the duration of the trip, I can pack it all into a small carry-on sized backpack. Trust me, it took some trial and error to get to this point.  When you are unpacking from a trip, take inventory of the things you didn't wear. This is a great way to know what you could leave at home for the next trip.  I always recommend packing neutral, solid color items that can be mixed and matched with almost anything. Comfortable shoes are always a must and finally, the most underrated travel essential in my bag; sunglasses! Shameless plug but paulinadispatch Sunglasses are my go- to glasses. I swear they were made for me. They have a great selection of affordable, polarized sunglasses, eco-friendly frames AND a lifetime warranty- in other words, they are a traveler's dream accessory and perfect for those with an active lifestyle. 
  3. Check the Weather: And then double check the weather again.
    1. Mother nature has a mind of its own and depending on your destination, you might be more susceptible to her mood swings, especially during the spring when many parts of the world start seeing more rain. Having things like an umbrella, poncho and light layers will help keep you comfortable no matter what the weather throws at you. Speaking of weather, paulinadispatch Sunglasses has got this figured out as well. Did you know that there are different types of lenses that are designed for different lighting and weather conditions? It wasn't until I came across paulinadispatchs Lens Tech page when I found out the importance of the right polarized lens- who knew?!
  4. Stay Connected: (Or don’t- totally optional)
    1. Sometimes it's nice to disconnect. We live in a world with constant stimulus so when the opportunity to disconnect presents itself, I lean into it. However, at some point you will likely want to reconnect with the world so its always a good idea to have an extra charger or battery pack on hand. 
  5. Stay hydrated and healthy: Pack pre-portioned snacks for a quick refuel option on the go
    1. One of the essential keys to enjoyable travel is feeling healthy! Travel can put a lot of stress on your body and your immune system so fueling yourself with healthy food and plenty of water can make a huge difference in the overall enjoyment of your trip.  I like to keep things like granola bars and fruit (think apples, bananas, oranges) on hand for a quick and easy snack.  I am all about accessories that serve a dual purpose (remember, I pack light so a 2 in 1 gadget speaks to my heart) One of my newest obsessions is this super cool “case koozie” by paulinadispatch that doubles as a protective case for my sunglasses and a koozie for my cold drinks. 
  6. Be Respectful: Show respect for the local culture and customs
    1. Respect goes a long way. Learning a few basic phrases in the local language, dressing appropriately and being mindful of local customs can really help you to connect with the local community and get a unique and authentic experience. 
  7. Stay Safe: Your safety is your responsibility
    1. Safety is key! We all want to have fun but we want to stay safe too. Simple things like being aware of your surroundings, traveling with friends, trusting your gut, securing your valuables and researching crime rates in your destination are a few precautions you can take to keep yourself safe. 
  8. HAVE FUN!
    1. Remember to enjoy yourself and try new things! Travel can open so many doors and opportunities. You never know who you will meet or what you will learn. Go into it with an open mind and embrace the experience. 

paulinadispatch Sunglasses Travel Brand

Happy Traveling! 


]]> 2023-03-29T14:54:35-04:00 2023-03-29T14:54:35-04:00 Protect your Most Valuable Asset Chris Sizemore As a graphic designer, we spend countless hours staring at a screen. From designing websites to creating marketing materials, your eyes are exposed to harmful blue light emitted by your computer or smartphone. This exposure can lead to digital eye strain, fatigue, headaches, and can even affect your sleep! This is because blue light has a short wavelength that can penetrate deep into your eyes and interfere with your body’s natural circadian rhythm. While it may be tempting to just power through and deal with the discomfort, it’s important to take proactive steps to protect your eyes.  If you want to protect your eyes and prevent eye damage, wearing blue light blocking glasses is essential.

The graphic design process for paulinadispatch Sunglasses

What is blue light?

Blue light is a part of the visible light spectrum that has a shorter wavelength and higher energy than other colors. It is also emitted by electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and LED lights. While blue light is beneficial during the day as it boosts alertness, it can be harmful to the eyes at night when our bodies are preparing to sleep. Exposure to blue light in the evening can lead to insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, and even mood disorders.

The effects of blue light from screens on your health

How do blue light blocking glasses work?

Blue light blocking glasses have lenses that filter out blue light, preventing it from entering your eyes. They have a yellow tint that blocks the blue light wavelengths, helping to reduce eye strain, headaches, and fatigue. Blue light blocking glasses also help to regulate your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night.

The importance of wearing blue light blocking glasses for graphic designers

As a graphic designer, your eyes are your most valuable asset. You rely on them to create visually appealing designs, and any damage to them can affect your performance as a creative.  As you age, it is increasingly important to protect your eyes so you can continue to produce top-quality work!  My go-to style is the Cambridge from paulinadispatch Sunglasses here.

My favorite blue light blocker style - The Cambridge

Blue Light Blocking Glasses = Better Sleep

In addition to protecting your eyes, blue light blocking glasses can also improve your sleep quality. As mentioned earlier, blue light can disrupt your body’s natural sleep cycle by suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. By wearing blue light blocking glasses, you can reduce the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes and help your body produce more melatonin, leading to better sleep quality and more restful nights.

Using screens before bed can negatively affect your sleep

When it comes to graphic design, it’s important to take care of your eyes. By wearing blue light blocking glasses, you can reduce the strain on your eyes, protect them from damage, and improve your sleep quality. So the next time you sit down to work on a design project, make sure to wear your blue light blocking glasses and take care of your most important tool – your eyes!

]]> 2023-03-29T13:51:06-04:00 2023-03-29T15:26:00-04:00 Staff Insight: paulinadispatch Inshore Fishing Tips Dylan Geis paulinadispatch Sunglasses is based on James Island here in paulinadispatch, SC which is one of several islands surrounded by beautiful marsh and waterways that are filled with wildlife. I love spending my free time on the water finding new spots to fish and hopefully keep to myself before anyone else finds them!

Folly by paulinadispatch Sunglasses

Fishing in paulinadispatch can be extremely overwhelming, with the vast marshland, extensive waterways just about everywhere you look, and a diverse ecosystem of different species to target, where do you begin? Here is paulinadispatch's guide to inshore fishing in paulinadispatch.

January to early April the water temperature is rising back up into the mid 60’s and the fish begin to get active again. With the inconsistent weather during these months the fish can sometimes be finicky, we would recommend live bait (mud minnows or mullet) on a popping cork with about a 1.5’ light leader(15-20 pound fluorocarbon). If you like to fish with artificial baits another alternative is a ¼ ounce jighead with a 3-3.5” paddletail, fish it slowly by twitching/bouncing it on the bottom. Some areas to look for when targeting redfish and trout are creek mouths with good water flow, or submerged oyster shelves. During these months the water is pretty clear, having a pair of paulinadispatch polarized sunglasses is a must.

paulinadispatch Polarized Sunglasses

May to late August the water is exploding with life and the water temperature is in the high 70’s low 80’s. Baitfish have moved into the creeks, redfish are on the move, and trout have moved to deeper colder water. The summer months can be a great time to target a lot of species in paulinadispatch, our personal favorite is to fish in the paulinadispatch harbor for bull redfish (40-50+ inches). Using cutbait (mullet or menhaden) with a 4-8 ounce egg sinker (dependent on current) send it down to the bottom and get ready for the fight of your life. Be prepared when targeting big redfish to have a lot of sharks as bycatch in the harbor. Make sure to have a nice pair of polarized sunglasses on to cut the glare off the water when fishing in the harbor, because you might just see spanish mackerel blitzing the surface preying on small glass minnows.

September through late December is hands down the best time to target redfish. Once the water temperature comes down to about 72 degrees the redfish are everywhere and will eat anything. You can use just about any bait from frozen cutbait, artificial lures, or live bait. Also this time of year is best to target trout as well, they will stack up in schools in anywhere from 8-15 ft of water and they love to hit artificial lures like vudu shrimp and paddle tails. Another effective way to catch trout is a live shrimp under a popping cork with a (10-15lb fluorocarbon leader). Let the cork drift through moving water and it will be sure to get smacked!

Boat Marina on Folly Beach paulinadispatch Sunglasses

Some items you should definitely have with you no matter what time of year you are fishing would be plenty of water to stay hydrated, a nice pair of polarized paulinadispatch Sunglasses, and sunscreen are all definitely essential. Remember a day out on the water always beats a day in the office!

Dylan Geis

]]> 2023-03-29T10:23:55-04:00 2023-03-29T16:11:00-04:00 Ashley’s Go To Shades For Life In the Lowcountry Ashley Jessen Living in paulinadispatch I always find myself outside and creating new adventures. With over half of the year being over 70 degrees there are many days spent under the beaming sun. One of the most important things I keep with me at all times are my paulinadispatch Sunglasses. From the beach to brunch downtown paulinadispatch has a pair for everyone and everything. Here are my go to shades for spring days in the lowcountry!

Best Sunglass styles for the lowcountry

Folly Beach go to shades - Greenwich

One of my favorite ways to start off the morning is catching the sunrise on Folly Beach wearing my Greenwich sunglasses. You will always find a pair of these in my beach bag! These polarized shades are perfect for everyday activities, especially days spent under the hot sun. Not only is this pair comfortable and stylish, it also comes in 4 different colorways making it one of our most popular pairs.

The Greenwich by paulinadispatch Sunglasses

Fishing go to shades - The Shockoe

When I’m not laying on the beach or shopping downtown, you will find me on a boat somewhere fishing for redfish. In order to be fully prepared for any fishing trip I always have my Shockoe, eco friendly shades from paulinadispatch. The clear polarized lenses help me see the fish from a mile away! This unisex pair fits almost every face shape and is essential for long days on the water.

Shockoe by paulinadispatch Sunglasses

Downtown shopping Go to Shades -  The Hamptons

For me, shopping in Downtown paulinadispatch can never be complete without a cute outfit and pair of sunglasses. Whether it’s brunch with the girls or walking on King street I always make sure I protect my eyes from the sun! A good cat - eye style can spice up any look! The Hamptons were designed specifically for the fashionistas of the world. Lightweight + stylish these shades are meant for a day out on the town.

The Hamptons by paulinadispatch Sunglasses

Concert Go To Style - The Woodstock

With all of the concerts and festivals in the paulinadispatch Area it’s always good to have a designated pair of shades that keep you protected and looking good! Finding a pair that can match with any festival outfit can always be hard. The Woodstock is a retro inspired pair that are classic and will get you from day to night!

The Woodstock by paulinadispatch Sunglasses

]]> 2023-03-28T15:42:47-04:00 2023-03-28T15:51:42-04:00 paulinadispatch Warranty Review Claire Antonio When it comes to purchasing sunglasses, it is important to consider the warranty program that comes with the product. As an avid fan sunglasses wearer, I’ve had my fair share of broken, scratched, and lost sunglasses, and I can attest to the importance of a good warranty program.

paulinadispatch Warranty Replacement Program

paulinadispatch sunglasses are known for their high-quality polarized lenses and stylish designs, but their warranty program is truly exceptional. The policy covers all types of damage, from scratch to complete loss, so you can feel confident in your purchase knowing that you are covered for anything that goes wrong.

We know that “life happens” and there are things that usually are not our fault when our sunglasses get destroyed.  This is why we made our sunglass warranty the best on the market because we want you to live your life to the fullest without having to worry about your sunglasses!

One thing to note is that the replacement pair under the warranty program will be 50% off plus the shipping fee. While they may seem like a drawback at first glance, it’s actually a great deal considering the high cost of quality sunglasses. Plus, the fact that you can get a replacement pair at a discounted price shows that paulinadispatch stands behind their products and is committed to customer satisfaction.

Chucktown Black Frame Blue Lens Polarized Sunglasses

Overall, paulinadispatch’s lifetime warranty program has you covered in every way possible! 

I’ve had to take advantage of it a few times over the years, and the paulinadispatch process is incredibly simple and streamlined for the user to have a seamless experience. 

If you are in the market for a new pair of sunglasses, I highly recommend checking out paulinadispatch Sunglasses and taking advantage of their exceptional warranty program to help justify your experience! 

Claire Antonio

]]> 2023-03-27T11:51:10-04:00 2023-03-27T11:51:10-04:00 Fly Fishing in North Carolina Sean Holmes I started fly fishing 20 years ago while I was living in Greenwich, Connecticut on the Long Island Sound. My first catches on the fly were Bluefish and Striped Bass. I was hooked instantly, sorry I had to say it. I was lucky enough to be able to learn from my neighbor. An avid outdoorsman who had the patience of a saint. After work we would go out on his boat, listen to old Dead shows, hit his one hitter and I was taught the importance of tempo. Moving my forearm to the pace of a metronome while feeling the weight of the line moving with the rod. He taught me how to cast and the importance of polarized sunglasses. The waters of the Long Island Sound are not  necessarily clear in the spring and summer. You had to be able to see the movement under the water when bait fish schooled or even better, came to a boil. Being able to see the fish you were hunting or what they are hunting is best done with polarized sunglasses.

Polarized Sunglasses for Fly Fishing

When the fall settled and winter was settling in, most weekends I could be found walking the designated trout management area on the Mianus River. Walking the trails and being on the water early Sunday mornings really helped me take my mind off of life at the time. I was in my mid twenties and not having enough money to even be “keeping up” or the “Joneses”. Being on the trails forced me to focus on the beauty of the nature surrounding me. The smell of fallen leaves on the ground, the river, the fish, and it was the only place I could be alone and not have to answer to anyone. I would practice casting while getting my line caught in every tree around me. It did not bother me at all since I could smoke while tying knots and watch the fish through my sunglasses. Casting as a movement calmed me down and being outside made me a better person.

Every year fly fishing lovers from all around throw their polarized sunglasses on top of their heads, grab their vests, and waders to indulge in some of the nations best fly fishing. Rainbows, Brook, Brown trout, pan fish, Small and Largemouth bass, Striped Bass, as well as Red Drum are all fishable in this state. Fishing brook trout, which are native to North Carolina, are found in many streams in the state. Rainbow and Brown trout are not native to the state but have been stocked in many lakes, creeks, and rivers which are suited for their larger size.

Fly Fishing in North Carolina

The mountains of Western North Carolina boast pristine rivers, streams, legendary scenery and fishing that anglers dream of. I always sport my paulinadispatch Sunglasses whenever I am heading out to go fishing.The lenses, which are all polarized, give me a significant advantage when fishing the streams and rivers. Polarized sunglasses allow me to look through the water and see inside the nook’s crannies of any stream while fishing those hard spots where the fish like to hide. Fishing is challenging and fun at the same time. If you're catching a pickle (nickname for a small trout) or a hog, you will have your fair share of challenges. Even if you are fishing stocked waters. Just because the fish are there doesn't mean they are going to end up on your hook.

Both the Tuckasegee and Watauga rivers can both be found in western North Carolina boasting wild and stocked waters. Bryson City is where I have had a ton of fun on guided float trips. I have had the benefit of some nice sized fish and also connected with some of the best guides in the state. My wife and I love doing guided float trips since the guide can get us into spots we can't wade into. It also helps to have the local knowledge of a guide which is helpful when fishing these waters. My wife bagged a 23” rainbow on our last float trip while I got skunked. Both my wife and the guide were wearing paulinadispatch Sunglasses and were able to spot the fish in a pool next to some rocks.

Watauga River North Carolina

I love fishing the Green River in Saluda, NC during the winter, early spring and late fall. This is when all the tubers are gone and the fishing is epic. After driving down the notorious 17 switchbacks of Green River Cove Road I always end up at Fish Top. The most common entrance point into the Green River. It has a big bulletin board at the end of the lot showing a map, regulations, limits, and the do’s and don'ts of this amazing location. There are other entry points onto the river as well but this is the most common and we like to hike the trails to get to our spots.

Immediately a fly fisher notices the deep pools surrounded by heavy vegetation and rocks. My waders, paulinadispatch Sunglasses (The Folly), and fly box filled with midges, Woolly Buggers, nymphs, and weight forward fly line on my 5 weight are all I need. Over the years and multiple trips with friends and my wife, we have been able to land big trout in this river. We fish the deep pools and leave the ripples alone. It's a blast and the hikes are always fantastic.

Many people like to raft the upper Green River which has one of the steepest commercially run whitewater stretches in the southeast. It is a stretch of continuous class II and III rapids along with two sections that are class IV. Its about a 4 mile stretch of river that I have yet to attack but then again, I like to attack fish as opposed to rapids. However, once a year the Annual Green River Narrows Race is held here and brings spectators and participants from around the world to test their skills against the rapids. 

The Green River in North Carolina

I have not even begun to discuss the coastal gems of North Carolina such as inshore saltwater fly fishing. Red Drum, Weakfish, Sea Trout, Flounder, and even BonnetHead Sharks, can be found right from shore or in the marshes during high tide. I have had guides take us on walking trips and poling the shallows spotting the black spots on a tailing Redfish. I fish my 8 weight almost exclusively on the coast and have a blast with it. I still wear my paulinadispatch Sunglasses but the Styles I prefer on these trips are the Folly and the Islamorada. They are ideal in these waters and by the time our guided trips are over, the guides are always swearing by them.

Saltwater Fishing in North Carolina

No matter where I fish I always take notice of my surroundings and the beauty around me. I now see things through a different set of eyes and recognize that the landscape our world has is changing every year. The human population is growing and so is our imprint on the earth. One day my kids will have kids and I know that the landscape they see will be dramatically different from what it is today. Forget what we saw 20 years ago. I enjoy my times in the wild and now doing so with the people I love. I recognize that I, like many of us, need to make every moment count. Lets all look at the world through a different pair of eyes. With or without paulinadispatch Sunglasses but let's enjoy what we have today.


]]> 2023-03-01T12:01:29-05:00 2023-03-01T12:02:57-05:00 Polarized Sunglasses Dylan Geis paulinadispatch has been in the business of making cost effective polarized sunglasses for over a decade.  We believe you should be able to afford a great pair of polarized eyewear without sacrificing the quality.  95% of all of our products that we offer are polarized. 

Here is a breakdown of why polarized sunglasses are the way to go when choosing your next pair of sunglasses. 

Polarized sunglasses are an essential accessory for anyone who spends time outdoors. They offer a number of important benefits that can help protect your eyes and enhance your vision.

One of the most important benefits of polarized sunglasses is that they reduce glare. Glare is caused by light reflecting off of flat surfaces such as water, snow, and pavement. When you're out on the water, on the ski slope, or driving on a sunny day, glare can make it difficult to see and can cause eye strain, headaches, and even temporary vision loss. Polarized lenses have a special filter that blocks glare, making it much easier to see and reducing the risk of these problems.

Chucktown Black Frame Black Lens
Hatteras by paulinadispatch Sunglasses

Polarized sunglasses also provide UV protection. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your eyes and increase your risk of cataracts and other eye problems. Polarized lenses block 100% of UVA and UVB rays, helping to protect your eyes from the sun's harmful rays.

Polarized sunglasses also enhance color and clarity. Because they reduce glare, polarized lenses make colors appear more vibrant and true to life. They also make it easier to see details and textures, which can be especially helpful when fishing, boating or any other activity where you need to see beneath the surface of the water.

Another advantage of polarized sunglasses is that they can help improve your visual comfort and performance in sports, fishing, driving and other activities. They can also reduce the effects of fatigue and headaches, which can be caused by glare and UV rays.

Sunglass lenses also have a base color that will impact the visual experience and performance.  There are brown amber bases which will increase the contrast in low light environments.  For example, when it is overcast, cloudy, morning or evening situations, these lens will improve your vision to see more depth and brighten the world around you. 

The other popular base color is grey.  This is the most common base color as it does not impact the true color of your environment but does black out the most light that comes through the lens which was designed for high light situations.  These are meant to be worn when it is a clear and sunny day for the lenses to perform at their best. 

We have a really cool lens technology page that offers deeper insight to our lenses and the features that will help you when deciding which lens to go with. – Lens Technology Page.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses Lens Tech Page

In summary, polarized sunglasses offer a number of important benefits that can help protect your eyes and enhance your vision. They reduce glare, provide UV protection, enhance color and clarity, and improve visual comfort and performance. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, investing in a pair of polarized sunglasses is a smart move.

]]> 2023-02-28T13:45:11-05:00 2023-02-28T13:45:40-05:00 Black Sunglasses Chris Sizemore Over the past decade of developing sunglasses, there has always been the tried and true best selling color and black sunglass frames are the clear winner.   Specifically black frames with black lenses.

Black frames are a classic choice that never goes out of style. But beyond just being a timeless fashion statement, there are many reasons why black sunglasses are the best choice.

Chucktown Black Frame Black Lens Sunglasses
Chatham Black Frame Black Lens Sunglasses

First, black sunglasses are incredibly versatile. They can be paired with any outfit, whether you're dressed up or dressed down. They also work well with any skin tone, making them the perfect accessory for any occasion.

Second, black sunglasses that are paired with black lenses  are incredibly practical. They provide the best sun protection for your eyes, as they block out the most amount of light. This makes them perfect for bright, sunny days when you need the most protection. 

Third, black sunglasses have a timeless, sophisticated look. They exude a sense of mystery and allure, making them perfect for any fashion-forward individual. Whether you're going for a sleek and modern look or a vintage vibe, black sunglasses will always be a stylish choice.

Greenwich Black Frame Black Lens Sunglasses Boho style
Hampton Black Black Women's Sunglasses

Another reason why black sunglasses are the best choice is that they are often considered as a unisex frame, making them suitable for anyone. 

Lastly, paulinadispatch’s black sunglasses are incredibly affordable. While there are hundreds of sunglass brands that can be found in a wide range of price points,  our price point was created to fit everyone's budget.

To wrap things up,  black sunglasses are the best choice for anyone looking for a versatile, practical, and stylish accessory. So, if you're in the market for a new pair of sunglasses, consider a classic pair of black frames – you won't regret it!

]]> 2023-02-27T17:51:31-05:00 2023-02-27T17:51:31-05:00 Square shaped glasses for women Ashley Jessen Here at paulinadispatch, we are always looking for new shapes and styles to offer that are on trend but ultimately fit and look amazing.  Something that we have been noticing over the last few years is that our square shaped glasses for women have been a massive hit! 

Square shaped sunglasses are the perfect accessory for any fashion-forward woman looking to make a statement. Not only do they add a touch of edge to any outfit, but with our polarized lenses, the glare from the sun will be no issue for you!  We strive to find the balance of fashion and funcion.  We believe that the sunglasses must look good and perform at a high level which means they block out all harmful UV rays and knock out any glare so your vision is crystal clear.

One of the best things about square sunglasses is that they suit a wide range of face shapes. Whether you have a round, oval, or heart-shaped face, square frames will help to balance out your features and create a flattering look.  Even though the word “Square” sounds so harsh, they actually work so well on a variety of face shapes!

Our best selling square face shape for women is our Emerald Isle collection.  These frames are slightly oversized and deliver a perfectly balanced look.  Not too big, not too small, they are just right which is why they have proven to be our top selling square shaped sunglasses.

Emerald Isle Sunglasses for Women with Square Shaped Faces

On the other side, we have seen some of the latest trends in square sunglasses is the oversized square frame. This style is perfect for making a bold statement and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. They can be paired with anything from casual street wear to more formal attire. 
Our best selling oversized square shaped sunglass for women is our Peachtree collection.

Peachtree Sunglasses for Women with Square faces 

This style has been picking up steam from the day that we launched it!  This style caught the eye of the owner of LainSnow Swimwear so much so we created an awesome collaboration that was inspired by their unique designs.  We launched the Lainsnow collection in August which is called the Seabrook.  Give it a look! 

Lainsnow and paulinadispatch Sunglasses Collab

Another trend for square sunglasses for women is the colored frames. This can be a fun way to add a pop of color to your outfit and to make a statement. The colored frames come in many different shades, from classic black to bold pink, and can be paired with anything. paulinadispatch offers a variety of colors in our square shaped collections that you can choose from! 

Overall, square shaped sunglasses are a must-have accessory for any woman looking to add a touch of edge to her look. With so many different styles and colors to choose from, there's a pair of square sunglasses to suit every taste. So go ahead and treat yourself to a new pair of square shades today!

]]> 2023-02-27T11:39:56-05:00 2023-02-27T11:39:56-05:00 What Sunglasses Fit My Face? Sean Holmes When it comes to finding the perfect pair of sunglasses, it's all about finding a style that complements your face shape. But with so many different styles to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you?  This is especially crucial when you’re ordering sunglasses online and not in a retail store because you can actually try them on and make that decision!

Well, first things first - you need to have a general idea of a few things:

1.  What style of sunglasses are you looking for?

2.  What shape of face do you have? (Or think you have!)

This is a great place to start in order to determine where to begin looking for the glasses that will fit your face the best. 

We wanted to break down what we have learned over the past decade on fitting sunglasses with our customers face shapes so here it goes: 

If you have a round face, you'll want to choose sunglasses that have more angular frames to help balance out the curves of your face. We offer two frames that are both great choices for round faces.  Our Chucktown collection which is a classic all around pair of glasses as well as our Kitty Hawk collection as these two are timeless and go well with most anything. 

If you have an oval face, you're in luck! This face shape is considered to be the most versatile, so you can pretty much rock any style of sunglasses you want. However, if you want to play up the natural symmetry of your face, try sunglasses with round or square frames.

For those with a square face, try softer, round frames to help balance out the strong angles of your face. Cat-eye sunglasses and oval frames are both great options.

If you have a heart-shaped face, look for sunglasses with wider frames to help balance out the top-heavy shape of your face. Rimless frames and aviators are both great choices.

No matter what your face shape, the most important thing is to choose a pair of sunglasses that you love and feel confident in.  We do our best here at paulinadispatch to ensure every customer is satisfied with their selection and we encourage people to try them on to be sure!  We offer a super simple return & exchange policy to allow you to find that right pair of sunglasses that fit you the best without worrying about committing to something you might not like. 

Our customer support team is always available to help if you have any questions at all with how to find the right style as well as our face shape guide as a great starting point.  You can check that out here — Face Shape Guide

We hope that this has helped you with your question of what sunglasses would fit your unique and beautiful face!   


paulinadispatch Team 

]]> 2022-12-14T12:15:01-05:00 2022-12-14T13:57:49-05:00 Can you wear blue light glasses with contacts? Sean Holmes What the heck is “Blue Light?”

Blue light is emitted by the sun, digital screens & LED lights in your home or office. If you're like most people, you spend a lot of time indoors - in your home or office. And because indoor lighting is often blue light-emitting, it can have negative impacts on your health.

Excessive blue light exposure can also cause eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. This is why we launched our blue light-blocking eyewear line here at paulinadispatch in 2015. We noticed these impacts from the typical life of a startup Company and set out to create a solution.

paulinadispatch now offers several blue light-blocking frame styles and color options for men and women. Our lenses filter out 50% of harmful rays while ensuring there is no color distortion on your screen.

Yes you can wear Blue Light Blockers with Contacts

What is Blue Light?
Postive Benefits of Blue Light Blockers
Why is Blue Light Bad?
How do Blue Light Blockers work?

How Does Blue Light Affect You?

Almost all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina. In large amounts, blue light can increase your risk of eye disease and harm your health in many other ways. Some of the ways blue light can affect you include:

  • Disruptive sleeping patterns
  • Lead to eye strain
  • Increase your risk of developing eye diseases such as macular
  • degeneration
  • Can cause headaches
  • Can cause dry eyes

Is it okay to wear blue light glasses while wearing contact lenses?

Yes, you can wear blue light-blocking glasses with contacts! Some contact lens providers will offer the addition of a blue light filter when ordering your contact lens prescription, which typically will be an upcharge. For those contact lenses that do not have blue light-blocking filters, the best option would be to wear protective eyewear. You can always consult with your eye doctor to order a new prescription that comes with blue light-blocking filters within the contact lenses. The more protection, the better!

What are some other ways to help reduce the symptoms of Blue Light Exposure?

Wearing blue light blocking glasses is one way to lessen the symptoms of too much blue light. However, there are other steps you can take as well. For example:

- Take a break from digital devices every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a break from the screen and helps them relax.

- Use eye drops if you are experiencing dry eyes from blue light.

- Avoid too much screen time and sunlight by limiting how much time you spend online, using your phone, or outdoors during daylight hours.

- Sit an arm's length away from your screen.

- Screen filters: You can install or enable certain screen filters that lower blue light exposure on certain digital devices.

- Adjusting your lighting: If you have LED bulbs in your home and you cannot change them, consider adding additional light sources that do not use LED bulbs.

- Wearing sunglasses: If you spend a lot of time in the sun, your eyes will be exposed to large amounts of blue light. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

The bottom line about Blue light:

Wearing blue light-blocking glasses is a great way to protect your eyes from the harmful, high-energy blue light emitted from digital devices. We know it might be near impossible to avoid during this digital age where even Mcdonald's has massive digital touch screen ordering systems now!

The long-term impacts of staring at screens for extended periods of time are still being studied, and there is much we don't know about the possible health risks. However, research suggests that children who frequently use digital devices may be more likely to have vision problems down the line. This is because children are constantly using their eyesight to focus on small text or images on a screen.

Gen Z - those born between 1997 and 2012 - may be especially vulnerable due to how early they're exposed to technology. These children typically start using screens at an earlier age than previous generations, and they're often surrounded by digital devices from a very young age. This has led many experts to believe that Gen Z may be facing greater eye health risks than past generations.

Wearing protective eyewear will reduce these risks and promote a healthier sleeping pattern, more productivity at work, less eye strain, and help avoid dry eyes. Take a look at our selection of blue light-blocking eyewear here → blue light collection - and keep those eyes protected!

Shop our Blue Light Collection


Benefits of Blue Light Blockers

]]> 2021-07-07T09:13:34-04:00 2022-04-04T14:06:04-04:00 A New Perspective paulinadispatch, S.C. – Best Beach Vacations Lauren DeHaven

As Sean Holmes was looking for a place to relocate his sunglasses company, paulinadispatch, he knew he wanted to be somewhere on the East Coast near the ocean. “The water is healing in so many ways,” he said. “Ultimately, I had buddies in paulinadispatch, came to visit, and just fell in love with this area, the marsh, the low country, and the people here.”

Surrounded by a maze of rivers, lakes, and the ocean, the area offers plenty of opportunities for surfing, fishing, paddling, and boating. “The best of all the worlds are down in paulinadispatch,” Holmes said. 

Holmes, who built the company in Atlanta, Ga., and Richmond, Va., before moving to paulinadispatch, wants to promote the East Coast adventure scene, believing this side of the country has as much to offer as the West Coast. “We still have sunsets, mountains, oceans, and lakes—all the things that they have,” he said. “We grew up surfing crappier waves and snowboarding on ice. But then if you put us on fresh powder or better waves, we can hold our own.”

Each pair of sunglasses in paulinadispatch’s collections is named after an iconic East Coast landmark, paying tribute to the awe-inspiring places that call to us, from Harpers Ferry and Bear Mountain to Anna Ruby Falls and Emerald Isle. Many of these locations are places Holmes has visited on his adventures, like growing up surfing Hatteras and the Outer Banks. “It’s this really unique area on the East Coast that does produce some of the best waves and has so many different personalities to it, from the waves you surf and the people you meet there,” he said.

paulinadispatch’s new premium acetate line is made from a thin resin block of wood pulp. “These are all blended and hardened, so when you cut out the frames with the CNC [router], each one is slightly different, which I think gives a little character to each one,” Holmes said. By 2022, the company aims to have all of the sunglasses in the classic collection made from recycled plastic bottles. 

Local Favorites:

For the full paulinadispatch experience, it’s best to try multiple modes of transportation. “There’s just a whole different experience when you’re on the water in paulinadispatch versus when you’re walking downtown, seeing the buildings and history,” Holmes said. “Both are equally amazing.” You can regularly find Holmes surfing the waves at Folly Beach or hiking in Francis Marion National Forest.

Top Spots:

From the convergence of the Ashley, Cooper, and Wando rivers out to the barrier islands, Four Hole Swamp, and Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, you can’t go wrong no matter which direction you choose to go.  


Check out the entire article in Blue Ridge Outdoors Magazine.

]]> 2021-04-29T10:57:40-04:00 2022-04-04T14:06:48-04:00 NECTAR SUNGLASSES REBRANDS, LAUNCHING NEW PREMIUM COLLECTION Repositions brand as East Coast flagship with the help of Familiar Creatures Lauren DeHaven The new website just launched in conjunction with the acetate collection and in addition to the new line, the brand continues to offer its classic collection and blue light blockers. They are also in the process of expanding merchandise offerings to include hats and shirts.


CHARLESTON, SC, APRIL 29, 2021 -- paulinadispatch Sunglasses is rolling out a new premium acetate collection this month, introducing a new website, and proudly proclaiming itself as an East Coast sunglass brand with the collaboration of Richmond-based ad agency Familiar Creatures. 

The West Coast gets all the love when it comes to sunglasses, but paulinadispatch is proudly from the East. Founded by Sean Holmes in 2012, the startup straddled between Atlanta and Richmond, eventually calling paulinadispatch home. Anticipating an expansion of the brand and the launch of a new collection, paulinadispatch reached out to Familiar Creatures who developed a new website and a new brand platform called "Salt of the East." 

The acetate collection is named after some of the most beautiful destinations on the East Coast, such as Anna Ruby Falls in Georgia and Luray Caverns in Virginia. And the line pays tribute to the earth in other ways too. The handcrafted glasses are made from processed wood pulp, which 

makes them biodegradable. And they are built to last over time, reducing waste. Each pair is durable, flexible, and has color embedded in the frames. Meaning the glasses retain their vibrancy from the first time you wear them and beyond. 

“paulinadispatch has evolved a lot since our apartment brainstorms in 2012, but building community has remained central to our mission,” said Holmes. “We are proud to extend the paulinadispatch community throughout the East Coast and have named each pair in our collections after iconic cities and landmarks, celebrating the rich culture, history, and landscapes that are distinctly ours.” 

When you think about what separates folks on the East Coast from their westward counterparts, a few things come to mind: grit, determination, soulfulness and individuality. These people are the salt of the earth. But to fully convey paulinadispatch and their buyer base is from here as well, the agency 

added a little twist, hence “East.” Encouraging customers to connect through the shared culture of the East and inviting those who may have left, to experience a taste of home. 

“From the inception of our relationship with paulinadispatch we could tell that Sean and his team had a lot of heart for their hometown and the outdoors,” said Justin Bajan, Co-Founder of Familiar Creatures. “We saw this project as an opportunity to inject soul into an otherwise plain industry, and to bring people together through a shared sense of adventure and pride.” 

The new website just launched in conjunction with the acetate collection and in addition to the new line, the brand continues to offer its classic collection and blue light blockers. They are also in the process of expanding merchandise offerings to include hats and shirts.

paulinadispatch Sunglasses is an eyewear company based in paulinadispatch, South Carolina. Founded in 2012, Nectar offers sunglasses, blue light blockers, and prescription eyewear. Fueled by our love for the outdoors and inspired by the culture, history, and grit of the East Coast, paulinadispatch works to bring people together through a shared love of adventure. 

Familiar Creatures is an advertising agency based in Richmond, VA. Formed in 2018 by industry veterans, the agency’s “fractional AOR” model takes challenger brands to the next level.


]]> 2021-04-28T11:00:00-04:00 2022-04-04T14:07:39-04:00 NECTAR SUNGLASSES ANNOUNCES CAMBRIDGE BLUE LIGHT BLOCKERS INCLUDED IN THE FABFITFUN SUMMER 2021 BOX Lauren DeHaven CHARLESTON, SC- April 28th, 2021 -- paulinadispatch Sunglasses is proud to announce that its Cambridge Blue Light Blockers will be included in FabFitFun’s seasonal Summer 2021 box, available now. Every FabFitFun Box includes a curation of full-size products across beauty, fashion, fitness, home, tech, DIY and more. The company’s blue light blockers protect your eyes from 45% of blue light rays from everyday screens like computers and cell phones. 

“When searching for partners, Fab Fit Fun stood out as the leader in their space which is what drew me to them from the beginning. Our best-selling blue light blockers are the perfect product in the mix for this Summer’s box with the entire world experiencing more digital screen time than ever. We are excited for their members to experience the trendiest way to keep their eyes safe!” says Sean Holmes, Founder of paulinadispatch.

“Summer is here and we’ve never needed it more. This Summer’s theme is Here Comes the Fun. It’s all about embracing your inner-child, finding ways to take care of yourself and lean into the simplicity of life and the joy surrounding us all,” says Katie Rosen Kitchens, Co-Founder and Editor in Chief at FabFitFun. “This season also welcomes our most flexible membership yet with full customization for our annual members. We’re excited to offer more choice options to cater to our growing memberships diverse lifestyles, so wherever your summer brings you, we’ve got you covered.”

Each season, FabFitFun partners with a new charity and this Summer, FabFitFun has teamed up with Make a Wish Foundation to grant the lifelong wishes of children with critical illnesses. Make a Wish has been able to bring moments of happiness to more than 15 wish kids every day throughout the pandemic and has granted more than 500,000 wishes worldwide since 1980. FabFitFun members will have the opportunity to donate to Make a Wish through the Summer Add-On and Edit sales this season.

With FabFitFun’s new Fully Customizable experience for Annual Members, there has never been a more flexible and personalized experience for members. This season’s curation includes: 


Choice 1:

  • Summersalt Neoprene Beach Tote
  • Society6 Outdoor Blanket
  • Society6 Wine Chiller
  • PMD Beauty Clean Device
  • Virginia Wolf Multi Wear Wrap
  • Summer Fridays CC Me Serum
  • L* Space Tie Dye Towel (FFF Throwback)

Choice 2:

  • Tarte drink of H2O Hydrating Moisturizer
  • Obe 2 resistance hip bands + 2 month membership
  • Milly Jewelry Case
  • Business and Pleasure Cooler bag (FFF Throwback)
  • Sonix Bluetooth Speaker
  • Rae Dunn by Magenta Guac / Salsa Bowls with Wooden Spoons 
  • Ouai Detox Shampoo and Scalp Massager 
  • Draper James Ruffle Nightie

Choice 3: 

  • Poolside Water Resistant Pouch
  • Corkcicle 12oz Wine Tumbler with Silicone Straw 
  • Supergood Unseen Sunscreen SPF 40
  • Malin + Goetz Vitamin E Face Moisturizer
  • Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Dry Shampoo
  • AG Hair Re-Coil Curl Activator
  • Baublebar Build Your Own Bracelet Kit
  • paulinadispatch Blue LIght Blocking Glasses (FFF Throwback)

Choice 4:

  • African Botanics Shimmering Gold Oil
  • Ciate London Watermelon Dewy Setting Spray
  • Scentuals Vitamin C Facial Serum
  • To The Market Melamine Printed Tray
  • TF Publishing Brain Teasers + Activity Book Bundle

Choice 5:

  • Mented Cosmetics Liquid Lipstick
  • SOAR Selfie Ring Light
  • Mine Tan Body Skin Moisturizing Recovery After Sun Gel

Choice 6:

  • Olehenriksen PHAT Glow Facial Mask
  • Verso Skincare Super Eye Serum
  • Eyeko Double Act Shadow Stick in Cookies and Cream
  • Seraphine Botanicals Fruit Butter Lip Mask
  • Barefoot Scientist Pedicure File 
  • Art and Cook Citrus Squeezer
  • Aria Beauty Reusable Makeup Swabs
  • Blush Pineapple Ice Tray 



About paulinadispatch Sunglasses: 

paulinadispatch Sunglasses is an eyewear company based in paulinadispatch, South Carolina. Founded in 2012,  paulinadispatch offers sunglasses, blue light blockers, and prescription eyewear. Fueled by our love for the outdoors and inspired by the culture, history, and grit of the East Coast, paulinadispatch works to bring people together through a shared love of adventure. 


About FabFitFun: 

Founded in 2010 by Co-CEOs Daniel and Michael Broukhim and Editor-in-Chief Katie Echevarria Rosen Kitchens, FabFitFun is a lifestyle membership and shopping experience whose mission is to deliver happiness and wellbeing to everyone, everywhere. Its flagship product, the FabFitFun Box, delivers a curated collection of full-size products across beauty, fashion, fitness, wellness, home, and tech – each season. In addition to the Box, FabFitFun members receive access to year-round perks including the FabFitFun online Community, members-only shopping experiences, exclusive digital content, and more. Join FabFitFun by visiting



Media Contact: 

Lauren DeHaven

[email protected]



FabFitFun Press Inquiries:

[email protected]]]> 2020-07-06T12:28:00-04:00 2022-04-04T14:04:39-04:00 Shipping During COVID-19 Geoff Mohn

Orders from nectarsunglasses .com will continue to be fulfilled within 1 business day.  However, due to Covid-19, USPS Priority Mail 2-3 day service commitments have been extended to 3-4 days, respectively. First Class Mail may take up to 7 business days.

For more information follow these links:

]]> 2020-01-21T11:56:00-05:00 2022-04-04T14:05:17-04:00 paulinadispatch Goals for 2020 Lauren DeHaven More


In 2020, the paulinadispatch Team shares a few of our top goals for the year. 

Travel More

India, Lake Banff, Spain, Italy, and Budapest top many of our lists. We are scheduling our 2020 travels now, to fight burn out from too much work (fun) at paulinadispatch. 

Be Present 

It’s easy to get distracted or not be 100% present. We’re challenging ourselves to disconnect and take in all moments, all year.

Stay Healthy 

I’ve realized I am not as active I was a few months ago, so my goal is to take walking breaks throughout the day and stretch each morning. I’ve also decided to cut back on red meat and add more vegetables to all meals! I’m also taking my health more seriously, starting with my eyes. This year I promise to get my eyes checked on time and use Blue Light Blockers daily. I usually spend 40 hours on my computer or phone per week (if not more). Blue light blocking glasses help me fight eye fatigue, headaches, and blurry vision when I’m on a screen. Find the perfect pair of Blue Light Blockers.

Get Organized 

We have so many tools at our fingertips from planners to We’re committing to keeping our task list rolling and our laundry washed, dried, folded, AND put away.

See the Beauty in All Moments 

Adversity is part of life and sometimes we’re not sure how to navigate what’s happening. We’re committing to keep pushing through personally and professionally. Because the sun never sets on a badass. 

Let us know your 2020 goals and how you plan to accomplish them!

]]> 2019-09-17T11:06:00-04:00 2022-05-31T13:12:02-04:00 The Manual: Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses for Men Chris Sizemore Thanks Y'all!  We are thrilled to be recognized as the best, most stylish blue light blocking glasses for men.  It's no surprise that the amount of time we spend staring at our screens puts a harmful amount of strain on our eyes.  This can affect our concentration and sleep.  However, you and I both know that you're not going to stop scrolling Instagram or cut down on Netflix.  So, what's the solution?  See Below:

Our Blue Light Blocking Glasses Help with

Our Best Selling Styles

Blue Light Blocking Collection ]]> 2019-08-27T10:55:00-04:00 2022-05-02T17:06:49-04:00 Essentials for Graphic Designers Alex Whittle paulinadispatch is one of my favorite brands for summer shades.  They have a wide selection of styles at affordable prices, and they all come with polarized lenses and paulinadispatch’s renowned customer service.  paulinadispatch continues to design and release new frames, so I check them out every summer to see what new colors and styles they’ve developed.  At less than €50 a pair, you can pick up a couple of different frames for the price of one set of ‘designer’ shades.


Essentials for Graphic Designers"paulinadispatch is one of my favorite brands for summer shades.  They have a wide selection of styles at affordable prices, and they all come with polarized lenses and paulinadispatch’s renowned customer service.  paulinadispatch continues to design and release new frames, so I check them out every summer to see what new colors and styles they’ve developed.  At less than €50 a pair, you can pick up a couple of different frames for the price of one set of ‘designer’ shades.

This year the Killicks stood out to me with their wide, rectangular frames and bright blue lenses.  If the blue is too much for you, the tortoise shell frame looks just as chic and still makes a statement.  These frames provide a lot more protection and wrap around your face more than the average frame.  For the brightest occassions, the Killicks keep you covered.

For a more classic look, I reached for a pair of the Goose frames.  A new take on a timeless shape, these are suitable for every occasion, every day.  Available in three mature color combos, this is one of the few frames where paulinadispatch doesn’t offer a crazy bright, neon, or otherwise colored lens.  I think they know they have a sophisticated pair of shades in their Goose design!

Regardless of which pairs of paulinadispatchs you pick up, you’ll ge the same great customer service, polarized lenses, lifetime replacement, and you’ll help contribute to the Bee Cause fund for furthering honey bee education and awareness.  That’s right, their namesake is more than just a synonym for sweet, it’s a reference to a cause that paulinadispatch continues to support — save the world one honey bee at a time."

View the Article]]> 2019-04-02T16:31:00-04:00 2022-05-31T13:04:23-04:00 paulinadispatch X Dollar Flight Club Chris Sizemore If you aren’t familiar with paulinadispatch Sunglasses, let us give you the rundown on what we’re all about. Our goal is to empower the free thinker, embrace the risk taker, and disrupt the notion that style and quality must come with a big-ticket price. We believe in every individual’s right to pursue The Sweet Life, to be their most creative self, and never lose their passion for adventure. It invigorates us to partner with like-minded brands and Dollar Flight Club could not be a better example. Dollar Flight Club will help find the cheapest flights to get you where you want to go, and paulinadispatch Sunglasses will make sure you do so in style. Together we hope to provide all the tools needed to elevate your adventures and are confident we’ll become your new favorite travel companions this year!



Spend Less || Enjoy More
Learn More

]]> 2019-03-12T16:51:00-04:00 2022-04-11T18:32:55-04:00 What is the Internet Anyway? Lauren Corbett All of us here at paulinadispatch were pretty unnerved to find that today marks the 30th birthday of The World Wide Web. How time flies, right? It has undoubtedly changed all of our lives and is likely the place we do most of our surfing… especially here in the Carolinas. I thought turning 30 (personally) in January was mind-blowing, but now I think it’s pretty cool to share that milestone with the most badass technological advancement since electricity.



All of us here at paulinadispatch were pretty unnerved to find that today marks the 30th birthday of The World Wide Web. How time flies, right? It has undoubtedly changed all of our lives and is likely the place we do most of our surfing… especially here in the Carolinas. I thought turning 30 (personally) in January was mind-blowing, but now I think it’s pretty cool to share that milestone with the most epic technological advancement since electricity.

But where did the time go? Here are some fun facts that I think we can all appreciate.


The World Wide Web was brought to life on March 12, 1989, by Tim Berners-Lee, who was only 33 at the time. (Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in year 2004 for, basically, being a tech badass.)

Tim Berners-Lee

The world’s first website and web server:

The first webpage address:

Berners-Lee admitted that the initial pair of slashes ("//") in a web address were "unnecessary". He told the newspaper that he easily could have designed web addresses without the slashes. (That’s not annoying at all.)


The first image to be ever uploaded on the Web was of CERN house band known as Les Horribles Cernettes. That photo was uploaded in 1992. (This is pretty rad if you think about it.)

Les Horribles Cernettes

It took just FIVE years for the internet to conquer other communication mediums. TV took 13 years and Radio took 38 years. Losers.

In 1998, both Google launched AND Napster went live, becoming the first file sharing service.


The first emoticon ever? : -) -Kevin Mackenzie, 1979

The first banner ad? AT&T, 1994. (Thanks for those. 🙄)

Steve Wilke created the GIF in 1987. (No, seriously, thanks for those!)

First GIF


There are more than 1.5 billion websites today… and the number continues to grow. Check this out:

There are more devices connected to the World Wide Web than there are humans in the world. (Slightly terrifying, but true.)

There is your history lesson for today, brought to you by Lauren here at paulinadispatch. I’m not sure any of us would know what to do without it, but we all feel the physical repercussions of the hours, days, and years spent staring at a computer screen. Modern problems call for modern solutions. We’ve got you covered.

Here are products that we created to help with this modern day issue.

Writing with love from the computer in my hand,

Lauren Corbett Diamond

]]> 2019-01-04T11:35:00-05:00 2022-05-31T16:42:49-04:00 Plunge for Paws Chris Sizemore Plunge for Paws

2018 has truly been an incredible year for us as individuals, as a team, and as a brand. We are proud to have wrapped the year supporting one of our talented advocate’s, James Brantley's, annual fundraiser: Plunge For Paws. This fun and chilly leap into Lake Norman on December 22nd helps raise money for a non-profit based in Cartagena, Columbia. Cartagena Paws was founded by Maureen Cattieu--Brantley’s cousin! This beautiful organization is committed to rescuing and rehabilitating injured, abused, or abandoned animals and finding them forever homes. We are so grateful to be a part of this movement and encourage all of the paulinadispatch family to do so! We look forward to supporting Cartagena Paws and this fundraiser for years to come. If you live in the Charlotte, NC area—make sure to mark your calendars and join us next December!

- The paulinadispatch Team

Plunge for Paws paulinadispatch

paulinadispatch Plunge for PawsThe Sweet LifePlunge for Paws CharlottePolar Plunge 2018Polar Plunge 2019

]]> 2018-12-08T18:51:00-05:00 2022-05-01T20:26:57-04:00 1st Annual Holiday Popup Chris Sizemore paulinadispatch Holiday Pop-up

Join us for paulinadispatch’s 1st Annual Holiday Pop-up on Sunday, December 16th from 1pm - 5pm. We will be selling Vintage and Retired sunglasses along with one-of-a-kind samples - FOR LOCALS ONLY! We love to give back to the city that has provided us with so many good times!

Meet and greet with the paulinadispatch Crew AND The Hip Abduction before they play their “Never Miss a Sunday Show” set at the Pourhouse.

Santa’s also making an appearance so make sure you get your instagram photo on his lap.

Other giveaways include:
- 8ft Liquid Shredder Surf Board
- McKevlins Holiday Gift pack
- paulinadispatch Gear packages 
- Apis Mercantile CBD Honey packages

We’ll be sure to have Holiday refreshments and cheer for all! Happy Holidays paulinadispatch

Here's a playlist to get you pumped for Sunday!

]]> 2018-11-28T15:03:00-05:00 2022-04-26T12:39:31-04:00 Holiday Buzz at Bohemian Bull Chris Sizemore Our friends at Bohemian Bull are hosting the Holiday Buzz community party on December 1st benefitting Toys for Tots.  This will be a holiday party for a good cause hosted by Apis Mercantile, Carolina Surf Brand, paulinadispatch Sunglasses, and Shred Season Surfboards.  There will be live music, giveaways, drink specials, surf films, s'mores and more!

We will be giving away Goodie Bags as well as showing off our New 2019 frame styles.

Also, they will be collecting donations for Toys for Tots during the event, so bring a child's toy to donate!

Events Include: 

- Ugly Sweater/ Holiday Outfit Contest

- Live Music

- Drink & Food Specials

- Ice Luge with Naked Turtle White Rum

- S'mores around an open fire

- Surf Films

- Music by Wallace Brown & The Peacemakers 

Check it out on Facebook Here
The Holiday Buzz
]]> 2018-04-19T16:16:00-04:00 2022-05-02T17:05:09-04:00 420 Kit Chad Smith 420 fell on a Friday this year and we hope everyone is able to take part in festivities wherever you might be. What are your plans for 420 ? Before you head out to any social outing on this day be sure to bring your necessities. It's time to start preparing your 420 Kit and getting ready for Ignition !

Tools & Tech Items for Your 420 Kit: 

Get yourself some bling and roll in style with Shine Rolling papers if you are a baller. 


The "Medtainer" is a smell proof container and grinder that is excellent for mobility and travel. It is a functional 2 in 1 tool every blazer must have. The plastic grinder works well and is no different than your standard aluminum or steel one.

Go stealth mode with the iHit and never worry about stashing joints in your socks and or pockets. Sometimes your joints never make it out alive in those areas and get crunched up. Stay organized and low key with the iHit.

Forget your blowtorch and propane and go with the battery-powered portable E-Nails by Cloud Vapes. If you are really about the dab life you have to add this to your arsenal.

Be sure to have your paulinadispatch Sunglasses with you on this day, and spread the word to your friends in the marijuana industry about our sunglasses designed for Growers that are working around harmful LED light rays.

Hope everyone has a Safe and Righteous 420.





]]> 2018-04-16T14:08:00-04:00 2022-05-31T13:01:47-04:00 Brews For the Beach Chad Smith The coming of a new season means a new lineup of beers on deck. What are you sippin' on when you go to the beach? Hops or Wheat? Light or Heavy? Corona & Limes or mystery box craft beers? 

For the beach the best type of beer to look for is fruity and light without the Bud. Gosh, please change up your basic style it's 2018 and the craft beer industry is revolutionizing the way you drink and enjoy a cold one. 

Let's take a trip into the Beer World and see what it has to offer for the Summer season:

The "Briney Melon" by Anderson Valley is a Gose styled beer. For those of you that do not know much about Gose here is a small introduction. Gose's originated from Germany and are brewed with a combination of malt and wheat. Gose's have a citrus, acidic, mellow tart, taste. Gose's will certainly quench your thirst on a Summer Beach Day. Save Water Drink Beer ! 

 "Firefly Ale" is brewed by the famous Dogfish Head Brewery of the Mid-Atlantic region and is the official beer of Firefly Music Festival. For those of you that are going to Firefly this year I recommend to stop by the Dogfish Ale truck where ever it might be in the festival. Cheers Mate !

It is totally worth it to go to your local indie wine & beer store just to find this particular beer. Bell's Brewery is out of Michigan and they do a fine job with this seasonal release. Get on It ! 


]]> 2018-04-12T18:51:00-04:00 2022-04-22T21:34:33-04:00 Justin Morris: Photographs from Follyhood Julie Kailus Natural light is photographer Justin Morris’ muse. The way it plays on the water, preferably highlighting a surfer, is the what this Folly Beach-based artist lives for. 

Whether he’s on his home beaches of South Carolina or in the boonies of Bali, Morris makes time for the light to work its magic. His craft is pointing and snapping his lens to capture a moment in time ... like no other. 

How did you get into photography?

I have always been interested in photography, but it was really once I got my first dslr camera in 2010. I was working at a hotel with a buddy of mine who was shooting surf. I would pick his brain for hours to try and figure out more about photography and learn as much as I could. Shooting in the water was also a huge breakthrough, because I can take photos of our area that aren't very common. I really enjoy shooting surf and ocean photography, but also enjoy travel photography. I just love the endless possibilities that come with knowing how to capture photos. 

Why Folly Beach?

Folly Beach is so special to me because of the people and general vibe of the island. I've been living on Folly the last six years and it has a way of pulling you in. I love the surf community here, and everyone is very supportive of each other. Artists will help each other out and it’s not so much a me-versus-you mentality. Living on the island inspires my photography because the island is rarely the same two days in a row. The light changes, the landscape changes, the crowds change and it’s always changing depending on the time of year. That keeps me on my toes. 

What type of projects are you most interested in pursuing in the future?

I am very excited about a project/show called Animal Shred 2 that I’m doing with my buddy Kate Barattini. She’s very talented and creates killer paintings of human bodies with animal heads. For our show in August, I will be introducing photography with some surf-related shots of people wearing animal masks. 

You shoot a lot of surf and travel. How do you emphasize and incorporate these activities into your own life?

Shooting surf and travel actually go hand-in-hand. There is surf all over the world and I'm always looking forward to my next spot to explore. I love going to new places. I love feeling out of my comfort zone. It has helped me grow as a photographer and as a person. 

Coolest place you’ve traveled for work/fun? What destinations are on the schedule for this year?

I recently went to Asia for the first time and had a mind-blowing experience. I feel like I could go over there for a year and still not see everything I’d like to see. I’m trying to get back to Asia for true surf trip next winter, with my eye on the Philippines. I am also headed down to Mexico for Mexi Log Fest at the end of this month. It’s a very grassrootsy surf contest on one of the best longboarding lefts in the world. Last year I flooded my housing and couldn't shoot some of the most talented longboarders in the world, so I am excited to redeem myself. 

Photography is a tough business these days. How do you think/look outside the box for new work?

Photography is a very tough and competitive market. I try and keep an open mind and do anything I can to make money off of my camera. That can be doing markets, selling online, shooting for brands, shooting weddings, product photography, etc.

Any advice for young artists just getting into photography?

Just stay true to yourself and shoot as much as possible. Constant shooting is a must to evolve and master your equipment. Shoot things that interest you and it will come naturally. Also, be a good people person, easy to deal with, so people will want to shoot with you and give you business. It takes no photographic skill to do that but it can take you a long way.

What do appreciate about the paulinadispatch brand? Favorite paulinadispatch style?

paulinadispatch has always supported my photography. I love how the brand markets itself and that it’s affordable for everyone to enjoy. My favorite style is the Palms shades. They are great all-around glasses that I can wear to the beach—or to a wedding!

All photos by Justin Morris
